Tips For Playing Slots

Play two-coin, three reel, one payline slot machines. Stay away from three-coin machines unless they are progressive machines. Don't play more than one machine at a time. Always play the maximum coins. Scout out the most reputable online casinos. As a general rule, reputation comes before everything. Tip #2 – Join the slots club. Almost all casinos have loyalty bonuses, rebates, and rewards for players who patronize their establishments. They provide you with a card to insert into the machine so that they can track how much action you’ve bought to the casino. Thanks for Watching HUGE WINS! I PLAY EVERY QUICK HIT SLOT MACHINE IN THE CASINO! Winning W/ SDGuy1234!

A new year brings hope and promises of new beginnings, new opportunities and hopefully a better year than the one before. The conclusion of one year and the beginning of the next is a time for reflection, and for resolving to correct certain bad habits and focus on new goals—and if you’re a frequent visitor to casinos, there are a number of vows you can make right now to get the most out of each and every trip.

This year, we’ve got some important advice for you: fill your resolution list with easy, good-for-you goals and resolve to play smarter in the casino. By doing so, you’re likely to make it your best year at the casinos yet. Here is a list of resolutions that will help motivate you in year 2020 and help you have more fun, excitement, and satisfaction you experience in the casino.

1) Set aside a few extra dollars each week to spend on casino visits.

Even if you don’t know the next time you’ll be visiting the casino, now is a great time to start setting aside a few dollars each week into a casino fund. This way, you will have the money on hand if you receive a great promotional offer, or if you just want to get away for a trip to the casino.

2) Always use a players club card.

Not using your players card is the equivalent of turning away free money. The casinos give you comps for your play, and the only way they know how much to give you is by tracking your play. If you don’t use your card, the casino can’t track your play. Using your card does not affect how the machine will pay out, as some players falsely believe. It does, however, affect the amount of comps that you earn.

Tips For Playing Slots

3) Keep a gaming log.

Smart players keep a log book. The law allows you to deduct gambling loses up to the amount of your winnings. You can only do this if you have documentation of your losses. Keeping a diary or logbook is the way to do this, and with the beginning of a new year around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start your log. There is even an app named “Gamblers Anonymous” that will let you keep your log on your phone.

4) Take advantage of casino promotions.

Casinos are constantly running promotions to attract players. These may include special drawings, tournaments or double point days. Taking advantage of these promotions is a smart way to get a little something extra.

5) Learn a new game.

Table games have a lower house edge than slot machines when you learn to play based with the correct strategy. If you’re a slot player, why not give a table game a try? If you prefer to stick with slots exclusively, then try a new, exciting slot title for a change of pace.

6) Play only the best-paying video poker games.

Not all video poker games are created equal. Resolve to locate and play only the best games. Gone are the days when 100 percent and greater payback games were common. There are still enough very good paying games to make it worthwhile to seek them out. There are positive games such as 10/7 Double Bonus (100.17 percent) and full pay Deuces Wild (100.76 percent) available in selected locations of some casinos. When these games aren’t available, look for games that return at least 99 percent.

7) Learn the correct video poker strategy.

Video poker is one of the best games you can play. The house edge is low if you learn to play the correct strategy for each particular game. Many players sit down and rely on hunches for playing their hands, which increases the house edge. This year, resolve to learn the playing strategy for one or more of the best games. In order to maximize wins—or minimize losses—not only must you choose the best game(s), you must also play that game properly. To do that, you must learn the proper playing strategy. Strategies are available in books, software or even online. Pick one, two, or three games and learn the strategy or strategies perfectly.

Tips For Playing Pop Slots

8) Play only with a pre-determined bankroll.

Bankroll is critical for any casino trip. In any random game, there are fluctuations. You may win more than you lose for a while and then lose more than you win for a while. Sometimes you lose a lot more than you win and sometimes you lose more than you win for a very long time. All of these happenings are part of the natural flow of a random game. To enjoy your trip to the casino you must have enough money to last through the losing times. Make sure you have enough, and make sure it isn’t your next mortgage payment you are using. A losing streak doesn’t have to end at any particular time, so make sure you can afford to lose whatever you are bringing to the casino.

9) Play only while rested and sharp.

Playing after you become tired, or after a few too many drinks, can cost you money. It is natural to want to continue to play when you’re having a good time, or thinking the next hand will be a royal flush. However, if you become tired, stop playing. If you find you are not thinking clearly due to consuming a few drinks, stop.

10) Have a game plan.

Many players simply go to the casino with a pocket full of money and jump from game to game until all their money is gone. You can have a much better time if you just spend a few minutes to make a plan for your next casino visit. Know ahead of time how long you will play, how much money you want to risk, and what other activities you will do there. And if a casino isn’t appreciating your patronage (and club membership), find another place to play. There are a ton of terrific properties out there which will welcome your action and give you a fair shot

If you have ever stepped foot into a casino, you will instantly see slot machines as far as the eye can see. That’s probably because people really, really love their slots. If you walk around a casino floor at any hour of the day or night, you will certainly see countless people still plugging away at slot machines.

You will probably not be surprised to hear that slot machines are the most-played casino games in the United States. Most people will likely tell you that there’s no method to the madness and that slot machines are random games of chance. While there is plenty of randomness involved, and there is nothing a player can actively do to affect the outcome, there are still certain approaches that can help improve results at the slots.

Let’s roll through a few tips and strategies you can utilize in order to improve your results at the slots.

1. Manage Your Bankroll

Managing your bankroll is arguably the most important thing any player can do in any betting endeavor. Spreading yourself too thin is a recipe for disaster. You don’t want to try and aggressively win back your losses right away, because that’s a great way to wind up killing your entire bankroll incredibly quickly.

Frankly, you’re going to endure plenty of losses at the slots. It’s just the nature of the game.

Being smart about managing those losses is a real skill. The very worst thing you can do as a player is wager money you cannot afford to lose. While that may sound obvious, you might be surprised at how easy it is for players to ignore that and let their bad impulses take over.

Let’s say, for example, that you start with a bankroll of $200. Because you are going to rack up plenty of losses, playing the dollar slots is a quick way to slash into said bankroll. Instead, you should start with something smaller like the penny, nickel or dime slots. That way you can afford to take some lumps as you hunt for that big win.

2. Don’t Be Fooled by a “Hot” or “Cold” Machine

Hot streaks are a myth. You know it and I know it. Just because a player may happen to go on a winning run at a particular slot machine does not mean continued success is on the way. The same applies for a cold spell. If you find yourself in the midst of a lengthy drought, don’t get discouraged. That particular slot isn’t cold, you are just falling victim to a cruel spell of randomness.

Some players think certain machines that have paid out big in the past are due to do so again, while some believe that a cold machine will never hit it big. All it takes is a bit of common sense for people to realize that neither of these things is true.

The reality is that all of these things will even out over time. If you spun several machines hundreds of thousands of times, the overall payout numbers would likely wind up looking quite similar. Don’t let anyone convince you that certain machines have certain tendencies, because they don’t. “Loose slots” don’t exist.

3. Look Out for Free Spins

While most slot machines are essentially the same, not all casinos are created equal. Some casinos will go the extra mile if it means attracting as many new customers as they can get. They’re trying to make money, just like you are.

Every so often a casino will offer free spins to players with the hopes of attracting their business. Considering you are risking literally nothing to give a free spin, this is obviously something you should be taking advantage of as a player at every opportunity. There is no downside, and plenty of upside.

If nothing else, a relative novice can use a free spin as an opportunity to learn how the games work. You can get used to the feel of the game and it won’t cost you anything.

4. Play Fixed Payout Slots

Nowadays you may come across some video slots with progressive jackpots. This means that the slots will have a visible meter that increases the overall jackpot with each non-winning play. So, the jackpot grows with every spin.

Obviously, that sounds appealing. The higher the payout, the more interest the game is going to draw from the betting public. However, some may not know that all progressive jackpot games at online casinos are all linked together. There are tons and tons of people vying for the same prize at the same time, which obviously slashes your odds of being the big winner considerably.


Rather than shooting for the moon against a ton of competitors, the best option from a bankroll perspective is to stick with machines that have fixed maximum payouts. You can still take the occasional shot at a progressive jackpot slot, but spending your money on a fixed max payout slot is the safer strategy in terms of both upside and bankroll management.

5. Don’t Ignore Small Slots

Because most players, especially inexperienced ones, will be tempted to shoot for the highest potential payout, machines with lower jackpots may go largely ignored. The allure of winning thousands is a lot more appealing than the allure of winning a couple hundred bucks, admittedly.

However, machines with smaller jackpots are inherently easier to win, which means you stand a better chance of walking away with a few extra bucks in your pocket. There’s a reason the big jackpots are hard to win. It will take an incredible amount of patience and a huge bankroll for a bettor to be able to sit at a big jackpot machine and eventually win.

You have much better odds at cashing out at a machine with a smaller jackpot. If you don’t have the largest bankroll, of if you happen to be an inexperienced player, the slots with the smaller payouts are the best places to start.

6. Keep an Eye Out for Bonuses

As mentioned previously, casinos are always looking for ways to attract new players or to bring old customers back. Handing out free spins is one way to do that, but another way is to offer bonuses. Some casinos may offer a seasonal bonus or a holiday-themed bonus. Most of these tend to be time sensitive, so don’t hesitate if you happen to come across a bonus offer. Most of them tend to be player-friendly.

These bonuses may involve free spins or free chips, while others may offer a separate financial bonus. Casinos are looking for ways to bombard your email with promotional offers, so signing up for such emails in exchange for a bonus is worth your time. You can always hit “mark as read” whenever those emails wind up coming, anyway.

7. Don’t be Tempted by “Near Misses”

Let’s say you walk up to a slot that was just one symbol short of hitting the jackpot on its last spin. You may think to yourself, “Hey, look how close it was to hitting! One more spin should do the trick!”

While it’s certainly possible that one more spin does indeed result in a jackpot, a “near miss” on one spin has no impact on how the next spin will play out in reality. While that near miss on the screen may help attract you to play that particular slot, you can’t forget that it’s all still largely random. A near miss has zero indication that big payout is on the way on the next time around.

As mentioned previously, no single machine is any more likely to be a winner than any other machine.

8. Know When to Quit

Best tips for playing slots in vegas

Know when to stop. Randomness is a theme here. For example, let’s say a bettor sits down at a slot machine and wins on their first spin. Success! They won on the first spin, so why not double down and give it another go?

That’s just asking for trouble. As a player, you should not be upping your ante just because you may have happened to win on an early spin. That is another bad habit that can result in your bankroll dwindling at a rapid rate. You can certainly afford to risk more money as your bankroll grows to allow it, but walking away in the green is always a smart idea.

Whether you win at a slot early or win late makes no difference. Winning on your first spin has no bearing whatsoever on whether you will win on your 50th spin. If you want to try and be profitable at the slots, know when to take a break.

9. Know the Differences Between Slots

Most slot machines are of the video variety these days, but this rule of thumb is no different from when three-reel games were all the rage. Slots with higher buy-ins are going to have higher payouts than slots with lower buy-ins. A dollar slot is always going to yield more upside than a quarter slot.

25 Cent Slot Machines Tips

Of course, that alone isn’t a reason to pass on the quarter slots and opt for the dollar slots. This comes back to bankroll management. If you can afford the dollar slots, then by all means hit up the dollar slots! These just mean more risk comes with higher potential payout.

For example, if you put $3 down on a three-coin dollar slot with a 95 percent payout, you will lose more money on average than if you put 40 cents on the line at a 40-line penny game that pays out at an 86 percent clip.

10. Stay Away from Video Reels

Video reels may look fancy, which is why they attract plenty of willing bettors. However, often times video reels pay back less than your standard slot machines. These may pay out at a rate up to 5 percent less than traditional slots. While that may not sound like a ton, in reality that is a stark difference.

Tips For Playing Slots Online

Tips for playing slots in vegas

The video reels exist to entertain. The videos take longer to play, and during that time the casino is missing out on making money. Essentially, players are putting more on the line here with less potential payout in order to be wowed by a video on the screen. You can still win, but the combination or risk and reward simply isn’t worth the trouble.

11. Be Aware of Pay Tables

This may sound like a small detail, but pay tables are hugely important. Every time you sit down at a slot, it is of paramount importance to check on the payout rates. Every slot machine has a unique setup with different payout structure.

If you happen to be playing slots over the internet, you can likely find the pay table under a help menu or rules menu in the game. It may sound tedious, but taking the time to read and getting to know which games come with the most favorable pay tables is a key if you want to be a profitable player. Some slots have better pay tables and more bonus features than others, so don’t be lazy. Just read up on what you need to know before you start playing.

12. Practice Makes Perfect

Okay, there’s obviously no “perfect” when it comes to playing slots, but taking the time to practice in order to familiarize yourself with the way certain games work certainly can’t hurt your long-term chances at being successful. In fact, most online casinos nowadays will afford players the chance to practice for free before they start playing for money. Most of these will not pay out, of course.

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Practicing for free can also help you get a better understanding of the aforementioned pay tables and different features you’ll find with different games. This is especially useful when a new game comes out that you aren’t particularly familiar with. Practicing can also be a means of eliminating which games you don’t like without actually risking money unnecessarily. Creating an account and taking a few free practice spins is something small that can go to making you a more well-rounded player in the long run.