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We know that the next generation of great architects, engineers, and builders is just a classroom away.
In 2014, we created the STEAM Initiatives program to establish a diverse and inclusive pipeline for New York City's youth to engage in architecture, construction, and engineering (ACE) industries. Our customized outreach programs enhance student awareness of these fields, beginning in middle school through high school and college. This further enriches the broader goals of STEAM: to bring awareness to the importance of science, technology, engineering, art/architecture and mathematics in our educational system.
We support schools in providing a holistic educational approach. We introduce students to the broad range of STEAM careers, encouraging empowerment and confidence in students’ performance in math and science. Above all, we believe in equal access to information, resources, and communication tools as it relates to STEAM programs and careers.
Quick Links
- Kids learn problem-solving skills to become better thinkers. This makes them more prepared for job markets after graduation.
- Demand for workers skilled in STEAM fields is continuously growing.
- STEAM careers can offer higher pay at the entry level. Additionally, the gender gap in pay is less than in other fields.
- STEAM fields are crucial for the future of our city and the world. The opportunities to innovate are endless!
See our work firsthand in the following short videos:
Our Programs
School Age Programs Grades 6-12
- Young Engineers Program: In partnership with the NYC Department of Education (DOE) and the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), we facilitate a series of STEAM–related curriculum in DYCD after-school programs. The agency’s goal is to engage with underrepresented youth and increase early learning opportunities for students in STEAM professions.
- Community Outreach: Our engineers, architects and other professional staff visit schools to speak to students, sharing their respective journeys and what inspired them to pursue their particular careers. We also host our annual Take Your Children to Work Day. Through the summer, our staff participates in festivals and street fairs in areas where DDC's infrastructure and public building projects are under development.
- ACE Mentor Program: As participants in the Architecture, Construction and Engineering (ACE) Mentor program, our staff mentors high school students, inspiring them to pursue careers in design and construction.
- 2020 High School Summer Internship Program (HSSIP): We host high school students who demonstrate interest in STEAM careers. Together we engage in workshops and special projects throughout the summer.
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College Programs
- DDC Summer Internship Program: Open for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing STEAM careers, we offer placements in specific fields for hands-on experience.
- Construction Management Certificate: DDC and SCA are partnering with community colleges to create a certification track that is specific to NYC’s procurement process and construction management.

(718) 391-2888
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